22 de diciembre de 2024

El Director General Roberto Azevêdo dice en el Brasil que la aplicación de políticas comerciales abiertas es fundamental para impulsar la competitividad

Del 18 al 21 de marzo, el Director General de la OMC, Roberto Azevêdo, visitó São Paulo (Brazil), donde participó en una serie de eventos en los que se examinó la importancia que revisten las políticas comerciales abiertas y un sólido sistema de comercio basado en normas para promover la competitividad de la economía brasileña.

Del 18 al 21 de marzo, el Director General de la OMC, Roberto Azevêdo, visitó São Paulo (Brazil), donde participó en una serie de eventos en los que se examinó la importancia que revisten las políticas comerciales abiertas y un sólido sistema de comercio basado en normas para promover la competitividad de la economía brasileña. Uno de esos eventos fue la puesta en marcha de la iniciativa “O Brasil Quer Mais” (El Brasil quiere más) liderada por la Cámara de Comercio Internacional (CCI) Brasil, que tiene por objeto lograr la colaboración del sector privado para ayudar al Brasil a integrarse más en la economía mundial.


Speaking at the ICC event, Director-General Azevêdo said:


«Trade is high on the Brazilian agenda today and the country is adopting an increasingly ambitious stance in its trade policy. This is very encouraging. Open trade policies are vital to boost competitiveness. History shows that there is no case of economic success and strong social development without international trade. I have no doubt that the Brazilian economy will remain outward-facing, ready to compete and tuned into what is happening on the international stage.

«Greater trade integration can bring many benefits to Brazil. The WTO can play a very important role here – both as a platform for resolving disputes and for negotiating new rules that can improve Brazil’s integration into the world economy. To this end, we are working to improve the functioning of the organization and we are working to advance negotiations. Several conversations are ongoing, with a big focus on reforming fisheries subsidies, as well as on other key issues such as domestic support in agriculture, food security, domestic regulation in services, and many others.

«WTO members – including Brazil – are also talking about topics of growing economic importance, such as small businesses, e-commerce, investment facilitation, and women’s economic empowerment. While not all members are engaged in this work, it is clearly evolving quickly, and so I think that there are a range of opportunities for Brazil on the horizon. Working together, we can continue to leverage trade policy to promote growth, job creation and development in Brazil, and around the world.»


The Director-General also spoke at the SEB Nordic CEO Conference 2019 on March 19 and at the 19th Seminar of International Trade organized by the Brazilian Institute for the Study of Competition, Consumer Affairs and International Trade (IBRAC) on March 20. During the visit DG Azevêdo also met with São Paulo Governor João Doria and with other business representatives.

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