27 de diciembre de 2024

North Atlantic Council Statement on the Extension of the New START Treaty

NATO welcomes and fully supports the agreement between the United States and the Russian Federation to extend the New START Treaty for five years.  NATO Allies believe the New START Treaty contributes to international stability, and Allies again express their strong support for its continued implementation and for early and active dialogue on ways to improve strategic stability.


Allies remain collectively determined to uphold existing disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation agreements and commitments.  Allies support further arms control negotiations, with the aim of improving the security of the Alliance, taking into account the prevailing international security environment.  Allies see the treaty’s extension as the beginning, not the end, of an effort to address nuclear threats and new and emerging challenges to strategic stability.


Even as the United States engages Russia in ways that advance our collective interests, NATO remains clear-eyed about the challenges Russia poses.  We will work in close consultation to address Russia’s aggressive actions, which constitute a threat to Euro-Atlantic security.

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