Austria realiza donación al Fondo Fiduciario Global
Enero 2024.- Austria realiza donación al Fondo Fiduciario Global.- En 2024, Austria ha hecho una aportación de EUR 200.000 (aproximadamente CHF 190.000) al Fondo Fiduciario Global para ayudar a las economías en desarrollo a participar más plenamente en el comercio internacional. Esta contribución se destinará principalmente al Programa de Cátedras OMC, una iniciativa de creación de capacidad que tiene por objeto apoyar las actividades académicas relacionadas con el comercio en las economías en desarrollo y los países menos adelantados (PMA). El Programa cuenta actualmente con 36 universidades de todo el mundo.
Austria dona EUR 200.000 para contribuir a impulsar los conocimientos especializados de las economías en desarrollo en el ámbito del comercio
(de momento sólo en inglés)
Academic institutions in the WTO Chairs Programme receive financial and technical support from the WTO for trade-related research, curriculum development and outreach activities. The objective is to strengthen the capacity of these institutions to advise governments and key stakeholders on trade policy issues.
Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said: «The WTO Chairs Programme plays a valuable role in helping developing countries and LDCs leverage academic research to inform trade policy-making so that it delivers more effectively for sustainable economic growth and development, improving people’s lives and livelihoods. I welcome Austria for generously renewing its yearly contribution.»
Austria’s Minister for Labour and Economy, Martin Kocher, said: «Austria’s contribution to the WTO Chairs Programme will play a vital role in further strengthening understanding of global and regional trade issues in developing countries and LDCs. Keeping markets open, supporting research at all levels and promoting a level playing field for multilateral trade – especially during these challenging times – can strongly contribute to boosting economic growth and creating jobs in these countries, for the benefit of all.»
Overall, Austria has contributed approximately CHF 6 million to the various WTO Trust Funds over more than 20 years.