18 de octubre de 2024

La OMC apoyará actividades centradas en el comercio en la COP29 en Bakú

Con ocasión de la COP29 de este año, que se celebrará en Bakú, en noviembre, la OMC apoyará diversas actividades centradas en el comercio.


Foto tomada de https://www.wto.org/spanish/tratop_s/roi_s/roi_s.htm

Viernes 18 de octubre del 2024.- La Secretaría de la OMC, encabezada por la Directora General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, tendrá de nuevo una fuerte presencia en la Conferencia anual de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático. Con ocasión de la COP29 de este año, que se celebrará en Bakú (Azerbaiyán) en noviembre, la Secretaría apoyará diversas actividades centradas en el comercio que están previstas durante la Conferencia. En el sitio web de la OMC se habilitará un portal específico sobre la COP29, que proporcionará información actualizada periódicamente sobre las actividades que tendrán lugar, así como noticias, fotografías y otros recursos.


The Director-General will participate in the World Leaders Climate Action Summit on 12-13 November as well as several high-level events planned at the COP29 Trade and Investment House and other venues. Several publications will also be launched by the Secretariat and partners during COP29.


Trade and Investment House

Throughout the conference, activities will be held at the Trade and Investment House pavilions, which is being hosted by Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Economy in collaboration with the WTO, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Trade Centre (ITC), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).  Similar to COP28 in UAE, the pavilions will serve as a dedicated space for engagement on critical issues at the intersection of trade, investment, and climate action as well as for hosting interactive discussions, exhibits, workshops, and demonstrations that showcase innovative trade, investment and climate solutions.


Climate Finance, Investment and Trade Day

A Climate Finance, Investment and Trade (FIT) Day on 14 November 2024 will provide the opportunity for dedicated discussions on how trade and investment can be leveraged to amplify climate finance flows and support developing countries on the “just transition”. Participants will be invited to examine the key role that trade and trade policies can play in achieving climate objectives and help promote sustainable development. The Azerbaijan COP Presidency will also highlight several of its initiatives while special high-level events will explore specific issues such as sustainable stock exchanges, efforts to decarbonize the steel and hydrogen sectors, and integrating small and medium sized enterprises, particularly from developing economies, into low carbon value chains.


The WTO Secretariat’s COP29 portal can be accessed here.

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