1 de marzo de 2025

El Director General de la OMC pide a los miembros del APEC que ayuden a afrontar los desafíos del comercio mundial

pidió a los Ministros que abordaran las crecientes tensiones comerciales e intensificaran sus esfuerzos para hacer avanzar la labor de la OMC en diversos ámbitos

El Director General  de la OMC pide a los miembros del APEC que ayuden a afrontar los desafíos del comercio mundial

El 25 de mayo, durante su intervención en una reunión de los Ministros de Comercio de APEC en Port Moresby (Papua Nueva Guinea), el Director General Roberto Azevêdo pidió a los Ministros que abordaran las crecientes tensiones comerciales e intensificaran sus esfuerzos para hacer avanzar la labor de la OMC en diversos ámbitos. Durante la sesión dedicada al “Apoyo al sistema multilateral de comercio”, con un enfoque temático centrado en la economía digital, el Director General también informó a los Ministros sobre los debates que estaban en curso en Ginebra después de la Undécima Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC celebrada en Buenos Aires.

(de momento sólo en inglés)

The Director-General said:
“APEC members have long been champions of the global trading system. I urge ministers to stay active and engaged, and to play their part – both in resolving the critical issues before us today and in finding ways to continue strengthening and improving the multilateral trading system. An escalation in trade tensions would affect everyone across the Asia-Pacific region, and beyond. Working together through the WTO, we have resolved previous tensions and helped to preserve the stability of the global economy. We must do the same again today.
«To remain strong, effective and relevant, the trading system must also be responsive to its members. With the global economy changing before our eyes, members should feel able to discuss issues of emerging economic importance at the WTO – including in relation to the digital economy and issues of economic inclusion. The leadership of APEC members will continue to be important here.
“Work is also continuing in Geneva to advance negotiations after MC11. On all issues, it will be essential to find new ideas that could lead to convergence. And in all of these areas, I ask for the support of APEC members. The work on fisheries subsidies is a notable bright spot. These discussions are proceeding with a real sense of urgency following the decision taken by members in Buenos Aires.”

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