28 de marzo de 2025

El Director General Azevêdo se reúne con los participantes en la Semana en Ginebra para Miembros y observadores sin representación permanente

El Director General Roberto Azevêdo se reunió con los participantes en la Semana en Ginebra para Miembros y observadores sin representación permanente, celebrada del 6 al 10 de mayo de 2019.

El Director General Azevêdo se reúne con los participantes en la Semana en Ginebra para Miembros y observadores sin representación permanente

These week-long events bring together representatives of WTO members who do not have permanent missions in Geneva and therefore cover WTO matters from other European capitals or from their capitals. The purpose is to inform these members and observers about recent developments taking place at the WTO.

The programme of the 38th Geneva Week included sessions on key aspects of WTO activities, such as recent developments in negotiations on fisheries subsidies and agriculture, technical assistance, trade facilitation, and special and differential treatment for developing countries.

Other sessions included e-commerce, trade and gender, the Aid for Trade Global Review 2019, the WTO-World Bank publication on trade and poverty reduction and the 2018 Annual Report as well as a panel discussion on WTO reform.

During the week, the participants met with the Chair of the General Council, Ambassador Sunanta Kangvalkulkij of Thailand, and were briefed by the coordinators of the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP), the Small, Vulnerable Economies (SVE) group and the Commonwealth Small States Office.

Participants took part in the General Council meeting and the Trade Policy Review of Papua New Guinea and will participate in the Symposium on Trade and Natural Disasters.

See the full programme here.


List of participants

Ms. Denise Althea SWAN and Ms Krysta Ann BYRD (Belize)
Ms. Adi Tama Kaninda Daniel and Mr. Matthan Jesse WALTER (Dominica)
Mr. Aaron Samuel FRANCOIS and Mr. Ernie Christopher JAMES (Grenada)
Mr. Andrew MUNAP and Mr. Joshua KALINOE (Papua New Guinea)
Ms. Jasmin Clarita WEEKES (Saint Kitts And Nevis )
Mr. John Bradly FELIX and Mr. George Guy MAYERS (Saint Lucia)
Ms. Ayana Okolo JOHN PATRICK (Saint Vincent & Grenadines)
Mr. Fulisiailagitele SALEUESILE and Ms. Dorothy Judy IOSIA ANETONE (Samoa)
Ms. Yvette Dewiani ROKADJI and Ms. Elaine Helen WOODE (Suriname)
Ms. Esterlina Palu Vavau ALIPATE and Ms. Titilupe Fanetupouvavau TUIVAKANO (Tonga)
Mr. Kanan MURTUZOV ( Black Sea Economic Cooperation)
Ms. Hilary Luna ENOS-EDU (Commonwealth)
Mr. Ousmane KONE (West African Economic and Monetary Union)

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