18 de diciembre de 2024

El Director General Azevêdo da la bienvenida a la OMC a Su Majestad el Rey Mswati III de Eswatini

El 12 de junio, el Director General Roberto Azevêdo recibió en la OMC a Su Majestad el Rey Mswati III de Eswatini.

El 12 de junio, el Director General Roberto Azevêdo recibió en la OMC a Su Majestad el Rey Mswati III de Eswatini. Los dos analizaron las iniciativas recientes sobre el comercio llevas a cabo en Eswatini, así como la importancia del sistema multilateral de comercio como motor del desarrollo.

«Eswatini has been enhancing its engagement in trade both regionally and multilaterally,» DG Azevêdo noted.  «Through its membership in the Southern African Customs Union, its ratification of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and its participation in the work of the WTO, Eswatini has underlined the importance of trade to development. I welcome His Majesty’s interest in the work of the WTO and commitment to continued trade integration in the years to come.»

Eswatini is a founding member of the WTO and joined the WTO’s predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), in February 1993.

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