23 de abril de 2024

El Director General Azevêdo da la bienvenida a la OMC al Primer Ministro de Jamaica, el Excmo. Sr. Andrew Holness

El 12 de junio, el Director General Azevêdo recibió en la OMC al Primer Ministro de Jamaica, el Excmo. Sr. Andrew Holness, para analizar las opiniones de Jamaica sobre la dimensión de desarrollo de la labor de la OMC y la preservación de los logros del sistema multilateral de comercio.


«Jamaica is active in WTO negotiations and a strong proponent of development-related issues, particularly those concerning small economies and efforts to tackle harmful fisheries subsidies,» DG Azevêdo said. «I welcome the Prime Minister’s support for the multilateral trading system and its continued engagement in the WTO, which has played an important role in safeguarding the interests of developing members.»

Jamaica became a member of the WTO in March 1995, having joined the WTO’s predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in December 1963.

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