1 de marzo de 2025

El Reino Unido dona CHF 33.000 para apoyar la participación de los PMA en la CM13

El Reino Unido dona CHF 33.000 para apoyar la participación de los PMA en la CM13

El Reino Unido ha aportado GBP 30.000 (aproximadamente CHF 33.000) para ayudar a los funcionarios gubernamentales de los países menos adelantados (PMA) a participar en la Décimotercera Conferencia Ministerial (CM13) de la OMC, que se celebrará del 26 al 29 de febrero de 2024 en Abu Dabi (Emiratos Árabes Unidos).


El Reino Unido dona CHF 33.000 para apoyar la participación de los PMA en la CM13

(de momento sólo en inglés)


The contribution will help cover travel expenses for government officials from LDCs attending MC13. The financing will be submitted to the LDCs Trust Fund, which is set up for each Ministerial Conference. Multiple WTO members contribute to this fund.


WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said: “I welcome the UK’s generosity. This donation will play an important part in ensuring that LDC voices are heard loud and clear in multilateral trade negotiations. This will help more people in these countries benefit from the opportunities offered by international trade.”


The UK’s WTO Ambassador, Simon Manley, said: “The UK wants WTO members, rich or poor, large or small, playing their role in shaping the global trading system that we want to see delivering economic benefits for all members. That includes the ability to attend key decision-making moments, such as Ministerial Conferences.”


Overall, the UK has contributed approximately CHF 13.5 million (GBP 12.6 million) to the various WTO trust funds over more than 20 years.



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