17 de enero de 2025

Merkel y los jefes ejecutivos de seis organismos multilaterales hacen un llamamiento para una mayor cooperación mundial

La Canciller alemana Angela Merkel acogió una reunión con los jefes ejecutivos de seis organismos multilaterales el 11 de junio en Berlín para estudiar maneras de fomentar la cooperación económica internacional

La Canciller alemana Angela Merkel acogió una reunión con los jefes ejecutivos de seis organismos multilaterales el 11 de junio en Berlín para estudiar maneras de fomentar la cooperación económica internacional a fin de hacer frente a los retos mundiales y mejorar las perspectivas de un crecimiento inclusivo y sostenible. El Director General de la OMC Roberto Azevêdo participó en la reunión, junto con los jefes ejecutivos del Banco Mundial, el FMI, la OCDE, la OIT y el Banco Africano de Desarrollo. Al final de la reunión se publicó un comunicado de prensa conjunto.

(de momento sólo en inglés)

The full text of the press release is available here.
DG Azevêdo, speaking after the meeting, said:

«Rising trade tensions risk a major economic impact, undermining the strongest sustained period of trade growth since the financial crisis. They also pose a real systemic threat, risking far greater impacts in the longer term. We will continue working to resolve these tensions and to avoid further, damaging escalation which draws in new sectors, potentially harming more workers.
«While we work to resolve current issues, we must also enhance cooperation and improve our institutional structures to meet our members’ needs. Many would agree that the trading system is imperfect and that it needs reform. I would agree with that, but I would also say that the core principles of the system have tremendous value. They are the pillar on which many decades of stability, growth and development have been built. But we should also be seeking to strengthen and improve it, for the benefit of everyone. The best way to do this is through a new dialogue among leaders. We must find constructive ways of engaging and bringing leaders together. I commend the Chancellor for her efforts here. I look forward to working with her to this end.»

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