15 de octubre de 2024

Austria dona 400 mil euros para apoyar participación de países en desarrollo en negociaciones comerciales

El Gobierno de Austria aportará un total de 400.000 euros (450.000 francos suizos) para financiar programas de la OMC relacionados con el comercio durante un período de dos años (2018 y 2019), a fin de ayudar a los países en desarrollo y los países menos adelantados a participar más plenamente en las negociaciones comerciales multilaterales.


(de momento sólo en inglés)


This donation to the WTO’s Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund will finance training workshops for officials in Geneva and elsewhere to help them better understand and implement WTO agreements. Over 2,600 workshops have been organized since the fund was created in 2001.

Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said: «I want to thank Austria for supporting WTO trade-related programmes aimed at enhancing the capacity of developing countries and LDCs to trade and to fully participate in multilateral trade negotiations. Austria’s generous donations are very welcome.»

Austria’s Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs, Margarete Schramböck, said: “I firmly believe that the multilateral trading system, particularly the World Trade Organization, plays an essential role in boosting international trade and helping improve the livelihoods of millions of people in both developed and developing economies. Through our contribution to the Trust Fund, we aim to help developing economies integrate into world trade and contribute more actively to the world economy.”

Austria has donated approximately EUR 4 million (over CHF 4.6 million) to WTO trust funds over the last 15 years.

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