19 de abril de 2024

El domingo 16 de junio, la OMC abrirá al público su sede en Ginebra. El Día de puertas abiertas de la OMC en 2019 dará a los visitantes la oportunidad de descubrir más detalles sobre la labor de la Organización, explorar su edificio histórico y disfrutar de una amplia gama de actividades que tendrán lugar en la terraza del lago.


An opening ceremony will feature the WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, the Chair of the General Council Ambassador Sunanta Kangvalkulkij and representatives of the Swiss authorities. The ceremony will include a special thank-you from DG Azevêdo to a local institution that has supported the work of the WTO.


Tours of the WTO’s headquarters – the Centre William Rappard – will be conducted in English and French throughout the day  to allow visitors to explore the various works of art in this historic building.


An exhibition on the history of the WTO building, including portraits of various key figures in its evolution, will be on display along with a feature on the «Ways we gain from trade».

Visitors will have the chance to sample national food and drink offered by a variety of WTO members. There will also be activities for children, such as story-telling, face-painting, a treasure hunt and a bouncy castle.


The full programme is available here. The 2019 Open Day will be the fifth time the WTO has opened its doors to the public. The first was held in 2009 while the most recent edition was in June 2015 to mark the WTO’s 20th anniversary .

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