28 de febrero de 2025

Emiratos Árabes Unidos apoyan iniciativas de la OMC

Emiratos Árabes Unidos apoyan iniciativas de la OMC

Febrero 2024.- Emiratos Árabes Unidos apoyan iniciativas de la OMC.- Los Emiratos Árabes Unidos contribuirán con USD 10 millones a tres fondos fiduciarios de la OMC: el Mecanismo de Financiación para la Pesca, el Marco Integrado mejorado (MIM) y el Fondo para las Mujeres Exportadoras en la Economía Digital (WEIDE), en beneficio de los Miembros en desarrollo y de los países menos adelantados (PMA) Miembros. El Jeque Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de los EAU, anunció la donación el 24 de febrero, cuando estaba a punto de iniciarse la Decimotercera Conferencia Ministerial, que se celebraba en Abu Dabi.

Los Emiratos Árabes Unidos donan USD 10 millones para apoyar iniciativas de la OMC

(de momento sólo en inglés)


Welcoming UAE’s contribution, DG Okonjo-Iweala said: «I am profoundly grateful for the UAE’s generous contribution of USD 10 million to the Fisheries Funding Mechanism, the EIF Trust Fund for LDCs, and the Women Exporters in the Digital Economy Fund, which underscores their steadfast commitment to fostering sustainable and inclusive trade. This timely donation not only bolsters our collective efforts towards enhancing fisheries sustainability, facilitating trade for least-developed countries, and empowering women entrepreneurs but also exemplifies the UAE’s pivotal role as the host of MC13, where such initiatives can flourish and make a tangible difference on a global scale.»

Sheikh Abdullah said: «I am pleased to announce that the UAE is providing a USD 10 million grant to support WTO funds, notably the Fisheries Funding Mechanism, the Enhanced Integrated Framework, and the Women Exporters in the Digital Economy Fund which will be launched during the conference.» His full video message can be accessed here.

The Fisheries Funding Mechanism aims to assist developing and LDC members in implementing the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies through targeted technical assistance and capacity building. The EIF Trust Fund is aimed at enabling least-developed countries to build their capacity to participate and benefit from international trade opportunities. The Women Exporters in the Digital Economy (WEIDE) Fund, which will be launched on 25 February, will help women-led businesses and women entrepreneurs in developing countries and least-developed countries adopt digital technologies and expand the online presence of their enterprises.


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