Concluye en Ginebra el Curso Introductorio de Política Comercial para los Países Menos Adelantados (PMA)
The three-week course sought to develop participants’ understanding of the WTO and its agreements through a variety of approaches, including...
The three-week course sought to develop participants’ understanding of the WTO and its agreements through a variety of approaches, including...
On 6 May 2019, a high-level delegation of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate visited...
14 May 2019 – People can reduce their risk of dementia by getting regular exercise, not smoking, avoiding harmful use...
Mr. Stoltenberg and Minister Jhinaoui reiterated the importance of continued political dialogue between NATO and Tunisia. They discussed the level...
In the notification Panama indicated, among other things, that: A domestic notice of initiation of the safeguard investigation had been...
NATO reached a partnership agreement with Colombia in May 2017 making the country the Alliance’s first partner in South America....
More than 20 million babies were born with a low birthweight (less than 2500g; 5.5 pounds) in 2015—around one in...
El Japón ha solicitado la celebración de consultas con la India a fin de resolver una diferencia en relación con...
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discussed preparations for the next meeting of NATO leaders with Prime Minister Theresa May in...
After giving an overview of members' discussions in all three pillars of the WTO's work – monitoring, dispute settlement and...
The Secretary General expressed the Alliance’s deep concern over the situation in Libya and stressed that he would continue to...
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, with the 29 Permanent Representatives of the North Atlantic Council marked the 25th anniversary of...
“Formidable Shield shows how Allies are working together to protect NATO forces and populations from the real threat of ballistic...
“Turkey is an important and highly valued NATO Ally”, Secretary General Stoltenberg said at a press conference alongside Foreign Minister...
RAMSTEIN, Germany - NATO AWACS surveillance aircraft will help guard the airspace over the European Union Summit in Sibiu on Thursday, 9...
Tener un sistema de comercio basado en normas que sea no discriminatorio y equitativo no solo es importante para todos...
These week-long events bring together representatives of WTO members who do not have permanent missions in Geneva and therefore cover...
The profiles draw from data in the OECD's Trade in Value-Added (TiVA) database and provide an update to the profiles...
The Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) is a plurilateral agreement within the WTO's legal framework which provides rules and guidance on the...
In his introductory remarks about the work plan for the next three months and beyond, the chair proposed a continuation...
The workshop will take a holistic approach to the interlinkages between trade and public health, building on similar workshops and activities organized...
The meeting, held at the request of Consumers International, is the first event to be organized solely for consumer organizations...
“For seven decades, NATO has defended the way of life, and the values that underpin it: freedom, democracy, and the...
Commenting on the negotiations on fisheries subsidies, the Director-General said: " These negotiations are technically complicated and there are many...
RUKLA, Lithuania – Exercise Eagar Leopard, a multinational training exercise conducted by enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battle Group in Lithuania, wrapped...
RAMSTEIN, Germany - The Italian Air Force is scheduled to deploy fighter aircraft to Romania under NATO’s enhanced Air Policing flying...
The Forum's sub-themes are "Services — the next trade frontier", "The next generation — what do Millennials & Gen Z...
Al estallar la crisis financiera mundial, los Miembros de la OMC encomendaron a la Secretaría de la OMC la misión...
DS512: Russia – Measures concerning traffic in transit The DSB adopted the panel report for DS512, which the Russian Federation...
La Secretaría de la OMC ha distribuido un proyecto de orden del día para la próxima reunión del Órgano de...
Children under five must spend less time sitting watching screens, or restrained in prams and seats, get better quality sleep...
The NCI Academy in Oeiras, Portugal, received a visit on 17 April from Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid. The NCI Academy,...
Speaking to the Minster of Defence, the Director General expressed the Alliance’s gratitude for Azerbaijan’s continued support to the NATO-led...
"To effectively address sexual violence, we must address and dismantle all obstacles that impede women’s full participation in peace and...
WHO welcomes the Government of Malawi’s launch of the world’s first malaria vaccine today in a landmark pilot programme. The...
Director-General Azevêdo, joined by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and OIE Director-General Monique Eloit,...
Después de que la Unión Europea y el Reino Unido acordaran darse más tiempo para finalizar la salida del Reino...
These experts met with representatives of the Iraqi Ministry of Defence Training Directorate, the leadership of the Defence University for...
RAMSTEIN, Germany – Hungary is scheduled to be the lead nation for NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission at Šiauliai, Lithuania, together...
WHO today released new recommendations on 10 ways that countries can use digital health technology, accessible via mobile phones, tablets...