NATO works on quantum cryptography with Malta
Quantum technologies use the properties of quantum effects – the interactions of molecules, atoms, or photons – to create practical...
Quantum technologies use the properties of quantum effects – the interactions of molecules, atoms, or photons – to create practical...
The battlegroup will conduct three training sequences of 36 hours, testing defensive and offensive tactics. “This exercise is the perfect...
In the notification Colombia indicated, among other things, as follows (provisional translation): “Deadlines and the procedure for importers, exporters and...
SHAPE, Belgium – Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General Curtis M. Scaparrotti hosted a Commander’s Conference at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe...
The texts signed in Marrakesh on that day were the result of the 1986-94 Uruguay Round negotiations, an unprecedented endeavour...
For several years, a group of students from a variety of countries have come to Switzerland to participate in a...
“NATO Foreign Ministers gathered in Washington last week to mark the 70th anniversary of our Alliance and celebrate seventy years of...
BLACK SEA (April 11, 2019) Five ships from Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) are participating in the annual Romanian-led naval...
"30 years ago today, the Contracting Parties of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade took the unprecedented decision to...
En una reunión del Órgano de Solución de Diferencias (OSD) celebrada el 11 de abril, los Miembros de la OMC...
Remarks by DG Azevêdo Introduction Good afternoon everyone – and thank you to the Peterson Institute for the kind...
26 NATO Allies and 13 partners are currently participating in exercise Vigorous Warrior 2019, NATO’s largest medical exercise in its...
Director-General Azevêdo said: “Trade has helped to fuel unprecedented growth and development around the world. It has created opportunities for...
Knowledge gained following the 2014–16 West Africa Ebola outbreak identified a number of challenges survivors face, including reduced or blurred...
La UE alega que las medidas en litigio, que abarcan prescripciones de localización, prescripciones de transferencia de tecnología, la fijación...
The proposal was tabled by Chile, Mexico, New Zealand and Panama and follows up on a previous communication from these...
Mr Brent Symonette, Minister of Financial Services, Trade and Industry, and Immigration, who led The Bahamas' delegation from Nassau said:...
Based on the decision of the WTO’s Committee on Government Procurement of 17 October 2018, Australia will become the 48th WTO...
The Secretariat informed members that the new website and database is being finalized based on members' notifications and the work...
During his visit, the Director-General gave an address at the Mexican Senate and also gave a keynote speech at the...
The Committee is important to the functioning of the WTO, Ambassador Foradori said, adding that he would hold consultations to...
Where women can access health services, maternal deaths decrease, lengthening women’s life expectancy. In many circumstances, men access health care...
Members discussed a joint proposal from the United States and Australia to hold negotiations on member-specific caps on fisheries subsidies expressed in...
Egipto inicia una investigación en materia de salvaguardias con respecto a los productos intermedios de hierro o acero sin alear...
El Director General de la OMC, Roberto Azevêdo, afirmó: "Teniendo en cuenta que las tensiones comerciales van en aumento, nadie...
I would like to thank the Danish Government for the kind invitation and for their leadership in organising today's discussion....
The course was the eleventh in an annual series of WTO-WIPO courses. Twenty-nine officials from developing countries participated in the...
Women face numerous barriers to business that include access to finance, discriminatory laws and social norms that restrict mobility, the...
"There is a growing recognition that trade and trade rules can be a useful mechanism to support women's economic empowerment....
While in Georgia, the NATO Military Committee held a meeting in the NATO-Georgia format led by the Chairman of the...
Del 18 al 21 de marzo, el Director General de la OMC, Roberto Azevêdo, visitó São Paulo (Brazil), donde participó...
Brazzaville, 20 March 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) is providing urgent assistance to meet the health needs of thousands...
WHO has issued new guidance to improve treatment of multidrug resistant TB (MDR-TB). WHO is recommending shifting to fully oral regimens to...
The World Health Organization’s new advisory committee on developing global standards for governance and oversight of human genome editing has agreed to...
A petición de la Unión Europea y los Estados Unidos en la diferencia Comunidades Europeas y determinados Estados miembros —...
Mr. Stoltenberg said that the agreement with Athens has already created a lot of positive political momentum and that NATO...
Five years ago, Russia used force against Ukraine to illegally and illegitimately annex Crimea. This violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and...
General Wolters is currently serving as Commander, United States Air Forces Europe; Commander, United States Air Forces Africa; Commander, Allied...
¿Qué es una investigación en materia de salvaguardias? En una investigación en materia de salvaguardias se trata de determinar si...
The story of NATO in 2018 is one of an Alliance responding to the the challenges of today, adapting to...